Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Melbourne horse and carriage, still run?

Good info in this thread people, but i also have a question regarding the horse and carriages in melbourne cbd. Do they run all night?

First Date dilemma....?

So I went a date last wednesday...met this guy off an internet dating site.....we exchanged numbers and he started calling me before we went on our date, he would text me or call a couple times a day....he sounded real cool..and im picky with the just giving out my i felt comfortable giving it to him...we hit it off with good conversation. When met up...we had talked for hours....then we were walking to the car...we held I got a feeling that he was feeling me...then we gave each two hugs before we both departed ways ..i told him to call when he got home..he did..i asked him when I was going to see hiim again, he asked the same, we agreed on this weekend.. I knew he had a lot of work to do the next day..So i took the inititive to text him the next morning, so I waited all day thursday to hear back from him., i didnt which is a lil weird cuz he always responds...I didnt hear from him until friday morning, he sd he was at work until 11pm and had to work all day friday, and I had my phone off until later that day to respond to him...and when I did I was like oh its kool, he asked what was doing I just responded and sd that I was at my cousins....and asked him what his plans were, and he didnt respond...this is friday now its saturday, i didnt hear from him alll day!!! I didnt understand...but I sd to myself he will call eventually....NOTHING.. So this morning i woke up and decide to text him....he sd that he was thinking of me...i thought to myslef well didnt you text or call me right??? I asked what he did lastnite, he said he basically rested cuz he worked alot the last two days....I sd to him i will be home and to hit me up later if you want to...he said ok. I havent heard from him!!! So my question is do I pursue for another date or is he playing games or am I reading into this way tooo much??

Would Titanic still hit the iceberg and sink under today's environmental conditions?

Would there still be an iceberg on her way? And would the iceberg still be in that size? Please answer if you have any empiric data.

OMG! eyeshadow palettes just ripped you off!?

Don't be cheap, and use MAC. Their products are made in Canada (where they are headquartered). MAC has the best payoff and you won't regret buying it...also you have a professional willing to help you decide which shades are best for you.

What is included in a meet and Greet with an artist? and what exactly is it?

Just woundering because i won virgin mobiles contest for Katy Perry Tickets and a Meet and Greet with her and I was woundering like it says what does it all included besides meeting the artist is there like special party or gift bags or does it depend?

Music changes depending on where you scroll over (HTML)?

I have a website split directly in half. I want the music to change depending on what half you are on. I wanted to know if that can be scripted in html, if not, can someone please put a javascript example.

"God doesnt send people to hell, people send themselves to hell" ..really? so?

I know this may not be the answer to the question but it seems to be on the same principal. Try watching a Robin Williams movie titled "What Dreams May Come" It is NOT one of his comedy movies. It tells one version of the afterlife when a man dies in a terrible accident. Very sad but very uplifting too. Bring out the hankies.

The Failure of Al Gore - would the word dufus best describe him?

To call him a dufus would be an insult to the dufus community worldwide. I think the word douchebag works better.

Dropped out, What now?

I dropped out about two years ago mostly because I was put in a lower educational level class because I skipped school quite often, So because I skipped school they determined I had retard level education. I don't want to go back to high school i highly doubt they would let me if i asked, So what do i do now? I could try to get a GED but what does a GED really do. Is a GED as good a HS Diploma? If not then how would i go about earning my HS Diploma without actually going back to high school. I assume this all depends on my location. Well i live in Ontario, Canada. Any information is appreciated. Thank you.

Why do teens get turned on by everything!?

Like girls, guys everything! Like, I dunno I'm straight but I get turned on by boys and girls. It really depends what kind of mood I'm on. But why, and why both?

My Flight: I depart Vancovuer(CAD) to NADI(FIJI) on Dec13, will this mean I arrive on the 15th ?

Yes, as you are crossing the international date line + the length your journey = arrival two days later than your departure date. hence your arrival on 15th..

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

WOW are we related or what. I was treated like ****, laught at and pushed in the halls, accused, wanna know how i got even, Simple. I went around to all the girl who were reject from the sorority, and asked if they can help expose who these people really are. 130 people join me, we got the message out. and bascially all the sister who were in that soriruty were kicked out to the curb harrsed and etc IT was the basic feeling of revenge.

Alcoholic, mentally & emotionally abusive father/ husband has made life a living nightmare for 17 years.... ?

Everyday it's something different, but yet it's all the same. Always having to worry, always having intense anxiety, depression, fear, and anger that life has to always be this way, that it's impossible to see it ever getting better. I'm 17, and my father has just consistently, constantly gotten worse. He's meaner, more violent, extremely hateful, and ive honestly been convinced that he is the devil living on earth. I never had a childhood, what little bit of childish joy I had was torn apart everytime he'd have a psychotic blowout of screaming at the top of his alcoholic, hateful lungs. I've always been responsible, and extremely careful in everything I do. He's always been irresponsible and impulsive, and would never, ever allow someone to not let him get his way. He only thinks about himself, and doesn't care about anyone else, at all. If I say I have a sore throat or something, he'll only care about himself, and say, yeah, I've had a scratchy throat all day, and go on and on and on. Honestly, that's just the tip of the iceberg, but to make it a little shorter, ive learned he's very much a narcissist, and he's got a heavy dose of hubris in him, thinking he can do no wrong. I've never, ever gotten an apology out of him, neither has my mother, (who is my best friend, and I am super close with, thank God, or I would have gone out of my mind a long time ago.) he just blames everything, EVERYTHING on us. No matter how irrelevant it is, he thinks it's our fault, all the time. And puts everything to extremes, telling is to get out of our own house, and saying anything he can to hurt us. Accusing, threatening, breaking down any little piece of hope we have, and I don't know what to do anymore. We don't even have a car, so we can't get away. He sold the parts for the car for booze. I don't see any way out of it. We have no money to. I guess I just needed a venting session, some insight to why he does what he does to us. Im just hopeless, it seems like it never ends.

What is average shoe size for a male?

Just curious. I wear size 11.5-12s depending on the shoe and my dad wore 13s in whih I wonder where I fit in.

What does my dream mean? its pretty strange...?

okay. so atfirst i was at a baseball practice (i dont even do baseball) in this caged area on that foamy flooring in this caaged area. all of the sudden, some girl went out to the middle and everyone started stabbing her with needles and then this lady walked in and protected her but they both died. then all of the sudden the room turned into a lake with jungle trees and stuff. the bad girls swam across the lake and one wanted to ride on an alligator, but it ate and the good girls climbed in a tree. the suddenly i was floating on an iceberg with my brother, but to steer the iceberg i had to hold a bubble in my hand and freeze a little globe inside of it with my hands. then there were hellicopters dropping off huge spiky balls and they were rolling every where crushing people. but it was like this big sea of icebergs at my school. then my brother and i hopped on to my school but it was only one buliding and it was surrounded by a part of the side walk that was broken off and it was floating in the sea. when we got on, i saw a bunch of people gathering on the side cu the guard toldus to go that way away from the spiky ball. then of course, my brother and i went the other way and saw the spiky ball coming and told everyone to go the other way. then my brother and i tried to go back to our iceberg, but he fell and i caught him. then suddenly i was a queen married to a king in an election, but we were also secret agents. we had to go somewhere on a mission. i remember we all had fake teeth that were greenish brownish and we had to send messages through them moving them with our tongues. and then i had to ask some guy a question so i asked "do u wish leprechauns were real?" and he said "we had some come in a few days ago," and we headed back (to somewhere idk where) but i fell off the iceberg but the king picked me back up. oh and i was also wearing some olden day clothing :) ya it was pretty wierd.....

Questions about Linux?

Does Linux get viruses and does it limit what I can download? I realize some OS will be better depending on what you want it for but what are the best open source operating systems in general for general uses?

Need help regarding family and life?

My father abandoned my mother and I when I was three months old. My mother continued working to support us, and when I turned five and started kindergarten, she began working out of town as a way to make more money. When I was nine, she married a man she had known for three months and brought him home. I had never met him, and I had not been asked what I thought of her getting remarried. I accepted it at first, but after a few months he began both physically and verbally abusing me while drunk. My mother did nothing to stop it, and at times even encouraged it. Once, when I was 11, my stepfather was on one of his binges, and she disappeared for two days. When she came back and I asked her why she left, she said that I had to learn to take care of my own problems. I turned to sports so I wouldn't have to go home. I played football, baseball, soccer, tennis, and even did competitive swimming so I wouldn't have to go home. But every night he would start in again. In winter, he would take the cover of my bed and tell me I didn't deserve it. In summer, he would lock me outside all night. Sometimes I was lucky enough that the car was unlocked and I could sleep in there for the night. I hid my pain from everyone I knew, and I became a bitter person. At 16, I hated my life. I was so miserable that I took my pain out on everyone I encountered. Looking back, I hate the person I became, but more on that later. I even had a .38 pressed to my head, convinced hell would be better than my life, but I couldn't do it. Since twelve, I had been working to feed us. My mother had become disabled, and he used his entire check to buy alcohol. I stole, sold my things, and even sold prescription meds to feed us. I couldn't kill myself because I knew my mother needed me, even if she didn't want me. Finally, at 17, he tried to choke me to death in our kitchen. When I got his hands away from my throat, he threw me through the kitchen table and poured a pot of hot coffee on my face. Enraged, I gave him back all the pain he had given me. Since then they have separated, and I am now attending college while my mother cares for my grandmother. However, she still blames me for their separation. She tells me she loves me, but I don't feel that she does. I am now 19, attending college on an academic scholarship, and have found a group of people that actually care about me, and a young woman who I am dating. However, I have to return home for summer, and I do not want to. I know my mother needs the help, even though she is now financially stable, she needs help caring for my grandmother. I know that I need to help her, but my grandmother cannot even remember who I am. I have already been offered a place with a friend over the summer, but I do not know what to do. I have put my hate behind me and have tried to become a better person, but I don't want to keep getting hurt. She calls three or four times a day and says things that hurt me, making me feel guilty for not calling and telling me sometimes that she doesn't have a son. I don't know what to do. This is only the tip of the iceberg for my problems, but I hope I have given you enough information that you can help me. What should I do?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Has anyone experienced this or in this situation already?

Does anyone have a wicked little brat stepdaughter??? Well I do, She's evil, manipulating, rude, trashy to the max, dirty, disrespectful and over weight, she has smeared **** on the bathroom walls 6 times cuz she gets mad, steals from us, threatened to kill our pets and also threatened to kill our baby out of jealously and said feeding our baby takes time away from her. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg of the horrible things she's done. bfor we had her move out we had to sleep with our bedroom door closed, because of all the threats with our baby an pets in with us. Now we also did a paternity test before we made her leave and she was NOT my husbands daughter...thank God, so now we don't ever see her and don't care too ever again, has anyone ever had this experience??? No rude comments please, if u have never been in this situation don't criticize cuz u don't no, thank u, an to those in this situation I wish u the best of luck, sincerely.

Teens: Can I fit into child sizes?

I'm a size 0 or 3 depending on the store. I'm 5'0 and 100 lbs. could I fit into child sizes if so what size converted?

Brewers in New York...what is the significance?

Some Brewer fan who should know this team goes up or down like a roller coaster team facing the Yankees with a pitching gap in strength due to Marcum not at a 100% and Sabathia in mostly tough form. I don't think he is that friendly (he left us for the money and I met him seemed arrogant and distant) with being with us for only one year. lol Your comments are part right and mostly off base. I only hope some of our weakest hitters this year like Hart, and Mcgehee come to life. Betancourt, and Gomez have to continue to shine. My only favorite pitcher on the team is Ax and he does it by sticking with it, one thing my coach always said to do. Don't let historic Yankee Stadium be a distraction or any of the rude Yankee fans. They remind me of Cubby world here. I have played on hostile turf and speak from some experience. When the opposing team and fans can get nasty play hard. The umpires won't give you an inch on any call and if they do maybe the stars are lined up for this team. I hope the Brewers are mentally tough as well as physically tough here.......(I expect to be ignored lol)

I need the names of OWL CITY songs!!!?

they have a list of all of them here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Living with a paranoid parent, I can't take it anymore....?

My moms been paranoid since I've been ten, everyones a secret agent, everyones watching her, everyone wants to hurt her, I dont think I can tolerate it anymore, 11 years is too long, I'm drained by noon every single day from trying to reason with her and answer all her questions. Moving away from home to study just made it worse, 3-4 calls a day. A month ago she asked me for weightloss pills, got them for her, she didnt lose any weight on them cos she didnt diet or anything, so she was convinced I made aspirin in University and switched out the pills. Just tip of the iceberg. I can't take this anymore, I can't, and shes not willing to get treatment, but how many paranoid patients are actually willing?? What can I do??

Traveling to foreign country by myself. PLEASE HELP.?

Well, I started traveling international routes like Delhi ti Dublin when I was fourteen. It is safe. You just have to follow the the announcements. Tell your mother to let travel alone.

Do u think that if they get another chance would they do it again.....?

Not a snowballs chance in ****. They have already said they would not rebuild the ship publicly and in Court.

Isnt it hard for Obama to give his speech at Ground Zero?

Do they even know where te Titanic Sank? Is he going to give a speech on an Iceberg or an Aircraft Carrier?

Which time zone do I use?

Okay so Im going to be traveling to Mexico in a few days and Im confused on which time I come back. It says I depart at 7:00 am but i don't know if it means 7:00 am here or there.

Do you ever watch Titanic and somehow think the ending will be different?

actually i was only thinking of the movie XD jack should've survived and lived together with rose for the rest of their lives but the fact he died was one of the things that made the movie win so many prizes

Price level of the dollar? economics question...confused by V = 1/P?

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Employment crisis? 10 POINTS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$…

I have been offered a part time position at t-mobile but I am a bit skeptical since everyone is saying that it has been bought out by at&t. If I would accept would I be laid off because of this? I do not know what to do because best buy also offered me a seasonal position closer to home but at t-mobile because of commission I am sure that I will make more money. If I take the best buy job I will be missing out on the commission but saving on transportation costs and if I take the t-mobile I will be earning commission but don't know if I will have the job a year from now. Best buy is a 50% chance that I will be moved to permanent because it is depending if there are any open positions and my performance. Any advice would be appreciated.

Observational Racial Stereotypes: Believe it or Not?

All true. Except Mexican having lots of kids and black middle aged women being obese are more of a statistical fact, than a stereotype.,

Do you think i could be pregnant?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

Why do SOME Irish people seem to WANT...?

if the irish mob is so powerful it is because of all the money and arms the u.s has supplied to terror groups like the i.r.a in the name of having some distant irish connection (sympathy). this 'power' goes on to be used to kill and mame innocent people and children. the u.s should stay out of situations they do not understand.

What color eyes will my kids have?

There is no way to tell since your statistics are all different anyway...all babies have blue eyes at 30wks of pregnancy and most carry that through birth, some change colors and some stay blue... other factors are not just your parents but your grandparents etc..just because your father has olive skin doesnt mean somewhere down the line your children can get fair skin from another relative and so on about hair and eye color Also consider what you looked like as children. My husband who is a twin has blue eyes and dark hair, I have green eyes (hazel really but almsot always green) and brown hair which was straight and I looked hawaiian until high school then it got super curly our kids have blue eyes and blonde hair (like my husband as a child) our son had blue eyes and now at 1 1/2 are turning from blue to green and has curly curly blonde there is no best guess scenerio for this except have a baby and see what they look like..each child may resemble each other but not all may have the same eye color hair color etc

What is my gaming rig worth?

Shame you have to sell it :S, I think it would be worth about 800$? Maybe? Not too sure. What I would do is add up all of the components then subtract 30%. Sorry if that wasn't very helpful, good luck friend.

Cruise that Goes to Hawaii in December, 2011 in Christmas time?

Can anyone help me find a cruise for three people that goes to Hawaii? I've been searching almost all morning and can only really find ones that go to the Caribbean and Bahamas, and I guess I'll go to one of those if we have to, but our first choice was Hawaii so we could meet up with some friends, as well. As far as cruise lines go, we're not picky, but we would wish to find one that would be good for two adults and a 13 year old. We would like to be gone no longer than two weeks, and as for where it departs we're willing to go pretty much wherever, we live near the west coast, so what would probably make sense is somewhere near LA or something, not to keen on the idea of having to fly to New York. We would like a suite, and a nice one, my reasoning is if your going to take a vacation, you might as well go all out and live large! Thanks so, so much! Ten points to person who gives most options!! Thanks again!!

Disputing garage bill without going to Court?

The answer would be no there is little you can do since you have kinda let yourself be at their mercy its that old saying of closing the door once the horse has bolted the only thing you can do is not let them do the work if the price is too high but if I get what your saying right the garage has already completed some work you will have to pay for this as you were not forced but chose to leave your car with the garage you need to get a written quotation from them on any more work that they say needs doing but not agree to it until you have more quotes for price comparison

How long do you wait to receive payment on ebay...?

before you contact the buyer? Its been 3 days now and I was kind of depending on the money I made off the item as its quite a lot and, I'm going away in a few days. How long do I wait before I send them a message requesting payment?

How can i make some great plot twists in my fantasy story?

I'm now wiriting my fantasy story and i was struggling on how to add some plot twists to it. Like for example, i had one of my main characters depart from my protagonist's group in order to search for the leader of the Hakeron Clan( in case my story is going to be a sequel) and the protagonist and his group are on their own, but however i tried to add some mystery to the character's departure, but i've keep messing up. Please give me some examples of how to make plot twists.

I have 7 planets or houses in/on 29th degree. What does this mean?

It means you have quite the Sun/Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo trining Jupiter in Aries. I wouldn't read any specific meaning into the degree placement, though others may.

Thoght of an idea for a movie, and I want peoples honest feedback?

Dude, you're a genius. Nobody has ever made a movie like that. I have awesome ideas too. I don't want to give anything away here, but it's set in a galaxy far far away, and there's this dude called Duke Skystepper, and he almost bangs his twin sister, who is a princess.

How did Judas die? (Matthew 27:5 vs Acts 1:18)?

Bib....bip.....bip.....bip.....bip..... bip.....bip.....bip.....bip..... biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Should I wait or contact him again?

Wait if hes in-to you he'll be calling. he might think the same as you and not wanting to be too pushy

When will my package be here?

So i ordered a video game for my cousin on amazon back on the 15th. I'm leaving fro their house the 22nd. I tracked the shipment and it said that it was shipped on the 16th and arrived in wisconsin and departed from wisconsin on the 17th. I live in new hamshire and I need it by the 22nd. It is being shipped by united states postal service and it is standard shipping. It says the estimated arrival date is the 23rd... do you think the estimated delivery time could be wrong? because i need it before then.. thanks

How can I stay sane with a wife I love when she is a messy person.For 18 yrs I heard every excuse.?

I have tried everything.So many times I've cleaned house and she gets angry saying I am throwing things that could be important or I an not sensitive to her things.So I thought to ask if I could have one room in the house.The choice was the office.This should be organize and where I can meditate.Well then comes the virus.Slowly spreading.We talk talk and finally it became a epicdemic.My last resort before departing is buy a 3 bdrm home and meld 2 rooms into one for me to sleep shower study.Another word make it a small studio for me including sleeping and not for her to used it for any reason.What do you all think about this?

Is this an interesting plot for a pycholgical horror game? (silent hill fangame with orginal characters)?

The game begins with Colin Grey running from the cops and he ends up in the town of Silent Hill, why is he there? He is a serial killer, but he believes that he killed them for the right reasons. Well, his friend (other persoanilty) convinced him that he killed for the right reasons. Each of the characters in the game (but 2) were killed by Colin, but when he killed them, they looked like monsters. Each of the characters are a boss fight too (but 1). The ending depends on your ending (multible)The game begins with Colin Grey running from the cops and he ends up in the town of Silent Hill, why is he there? He is a serial killer, but he believes that he killed them for the right reasons. Well, his friend (other persoanilty) convinced him that he killed for the right reasons. Each of the characters in the game (but 2) were killed by Colin, but when he killed them, they looked like monsters. Each of the characters are a boss fight too (but 1). The ending depends on your ending (multible)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Does anybody know why the media keeps wrongfully stating that Whitey Bulger influenced "The Departed"?

Actually you are a little off here. While you are correct that the film was indeed based on the Hong Kong film, Scorcece twisted it a little. Frank Costello is not supposed to be Whitey Bulger exactly, but he is absolutley inspired by him. Scorcece during an interview said he based his character off inspirations to whitey.

Dating man that is separated?

Husband died 3 years ago and been dating but The man I really want to be with is separated. I waited a while to be with him after husband died. He knew my husband before he died I've known them for about 9 years. He is not with his with she lives in a different house. She knows we see each other. They have 2 children together and they do need to spend time together to talk about the kids. I've even sat for them when they have gone out together. There is no chance they are getting back together, The only reason they are only separated is finances his kids are Autistic and he wants to take care of them. He spends a lot of time with his son. And his daughter as well which means he has to spend time with his wife. and not as much time with me. I understand his situation he can only spend so much time with me. We see each other couple times during the week. depending one school and activities. during summer. Most weekends he is doing something with his son. I am lonely sometimes and he tries to make it up to me by about once a month he spends couple days with me. Kid free. But I feel guilty because he does this usually after I say I wish he could spend more time with me. I was married to the same man for 25 years so dating has changed for me. And this person has been a friend for 9 years. When husband died he just never left me. I am free and I can date whomever I want but I really just want to be with him. Am I crazy to stay in this situation or should I move on?

What is the most misunderstood musical instrument?

Yesterday I had a minor disagreement with a non-musician who insisted that all you had to do was blow into a trumpet to produce a note. After considering this erroneous assumption I considered many of the other musical instrument errors I have observed over the years. Movies are loaded with them. Even trained musicians with college degrees have misconceptions. I don't think the trumpet qualifies as the most misunderstood instrument, it is the tip of the iceberg. Stereotypes, misconceptions, etc,.

Can a traveler(plane) help me? ASAP?

The time listed on the itinerary is alway the local time. So she will arrive in Manila at 22:35 local.

Think I need a quick abortion only 13...can I depend on the good people of Planned Parenthood?

Probably not I do believe they put a stop to planned parent Hood. Well thank God they did in Indiana!!! I am not sure bout ur state. Adoption would b my answer. U have a special gift only God can give growing inside u as we speak. God has purposes for everything and there is a reason why u have a baby inside ur body right now that's a live. And swimming all around inside his or her mommys belly. If u feel ur too young and can't deal with it that's totally understandable. But I promise someone out here would give it the best life ever cause they may not b blessed enough to be able to have that gift of giving and bringing life n 2 this world. Please. Dont abort ur child please thank about the best options u have

Would you be upset if your family treated you this way?

I live 2 hours away from my family and for the last 5 years they may have come and visited me a handful of times. Every time they want together, they want me to drive down there. I have tried getting them to come and visit me and they always use really lame excuses. So here in a couple of weeks I was going to have my son christened of dedicated, depending on what you call it and I decided to change the date an uninvite them. Well technically not uninvite just not tell them when we reschedule it. I am so sick of them never wanting to be a part of his life that I want them to know exactly how it feels to get left out of something. My mom calls and ask what size clothes my son wore, well she makes an effort to see the other grand kids 2 to 4 times a week, but can't even bother to come up here once every two or 3 months. So I never called her back and told her, I figured well if she made an effort to be around him then she would know. Do you think I am wrong acting this way?

Why did God slowly kill a child?

Maybe God is malevolent. Ever think of that? Like an evil God who rules the universe and is just messing with us like a kid pulling wings off of a fly? That's some crazy junk, but you can't disprove it with scripture.

A question for all Christians who only believe that: "Only the Bible explains what the true gospel is".?

Joshua, you've really loaded up here; First, everyone has trouble understanding all of the information provided in the Bible. I've been a student of the Bible all my life and I'm a certified Bible teacher, BUT, I'm still learning and will tell the day I Cash in my chips. Second, Reborn in Christ, it seems you are but don't get confused, non of us is worthy. 1st John 1:8 " If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Relax we're all sinners seeking forgiveness through the Blood of Christ. Paul in his letter to the church in thessalonica wrote; 1st Thessalonians 4:7-8 " God did not call us to be impure but to live the Holy Life but he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God who gives you His Holy Spirit." We all need to try and live as obedient Christians seeking God's will in all that we do but that doesn't mean we won't ever sin. Brother just pray and do your best at living a Christian life. You don't have to give away your toys just don't let them become more important to you than Jesus.

What type of statute of limitations will be enforced if I'm sued for copyright infringement?

I downloaded a few music and video files from limewire a few years ago. If I'm sued for copyright infringement would the discovery rule or the injury rule be applied when it comes to the statute of limitations. I downloaded the files about 4 years ago. Should I be concerned that the statute of limitations won't begin until the discovery of the infringement, or am I in the clear? By the way, I live in Pennsylvania. I'm not sure how much the laws vary depending on which state you live in.

Out of the first Wrong Turn, The Departed, & the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean, which is your favorite & why?

Those are my Top 3 favorite movies as of right now, and before the new Pirates, the first Wrong Turn & The Departed had stood alone as my Top 2 for quite some time. Interested in seeing what other people think of these movies.

Do you think this is a bad idea??????????? HELP!?

OK. i took my summer quarter final exam a week ago. I don't think I did well. Professor told the class that he will have the grades in by the end of this week. He says he is going to grade on curve so if the entire class did bad, it's going to help us. I think I did not too terribly but there's chance that depending on other students, that I might have a terribel grade, D or F. because I'm not sure how I did... So... should I go talk to the professor tomorrow before he turns in the grades and ask him for advice how I can improve on the future test? (I'm currently taking his 2nd course too). and get some advice on studying tips and ask him how I did on the final? Or do you think this will look shady, he will see me as opportunistic kid because I never talked to him privately or after class before... Pleae let me know!! Thanks!!

Simple multiple choice question?

The answer is definitely C (Electricity) If you had extra money you might turn down the air conditioning and spend more money on electricity for a more comfortable environment, but you would not be as likely to go out to Wal-Mart and buy some Salt, Laundry detergent, or dish towels because you already have plenty of those items in your house.

Why is FAITH so important in believing God can do things for you?

The bible says that if you have faith as a musterd seed you can move mountains. The Bible also says that if you ask with al your heart and have faith the LORD will give it to you if it improves you and not brings you down . Faith is very poweful .I Garrenty you if you pray to GOD with alll your heart and have faith he will grant you your requests that you have . Alson ofcourse he wants to grant them your his children!! but again i tell you have great faith!

Does the quality of sound change with different models of iPods?

For example, would you get a much better sound with a classic or touch than you would with one of the tiny square ones? Or does it just depend on the quality of the headphones?

What would be the best way to volunteer in Japan?

I am a Japanese-American that can speak fluent Japanese. I am currently in Saitama-Ken helping out family friends with their own business. I also have plans to head south to Kochi-Ken to meet some family. Is there anyway I can volunteer if my work schedule ends July 15, even for a couple days then hop on a bullet train back to Kochi? Once I get to Kochi I plan on spending a few days before I hop on a flight back to Haneda airport, and depart Japan on July 24 back to America.

6:00 AM departure out of ORD arrival time?

I would come 1 hour to 2 hours early because you never know if the airport will be busy and if you will have any problems at the airport and also you never know if the roads to the airport will be busy. Good like and have a safe flight :)

Why are there so many Atheists passengers in the Titanic ?

And pirates cause global warming (Pastafarian teaching). There is no link between religion and freak accidents.

What time did Titanic sink?

I know it hit the iceberg at 11:40 pm, and sank at 2:20 am, but what was the actual time on the Titanic when it sunk? and are those times listen above the time in New York, or what?

What did my orthodontist mean?

Well you mentioned a gap. I think when you say that you love the way they look and are completely satiafied with them, then he will take them off. Eith you or him will need to be satisfied with the overall job! Good luck.. Sounds like you only a little more time left!!! YAY!!!

Social security administrative law judges and bias?

in queens,ny, as of may 2011, there is a class action lawsuit against these disability judges, is this just the tip of the iceberg

An iceberg is more dense than water and that is why it floats. True or false?

Water is a special substance in the fact that the solid is actually LESS dense than the liquid! So, false. It's the exact opposite of that.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Matching tattoos for best friends ?

My best friend is a guy and I'm a girl. We're leaving for separate colleges soon and we're thinking of getting matching tattoos on our wrists before we depart. We want something that looks feminine on me and manly-ish on him (he is however gay, so it doesn't have to be atrociously manly :p) Any ideas?

Can you tell me about a capsule endoscopy please?

I'm 13 and might be getting a capsule endoscopy soon depending on the results of my latest test. My doctor I need to take the same prep as the colonoscopy and upper GI endoscopy that I had but thats about all that I know about it. What are some tips? Can you tell me how the proceedure works? Thank you :)

Why do Atheists think we don't know that they are lying, when they cite nameless authorities and references?

You do your religion such justice when you post nonsense like this. There is no one authority. Atheism is a lack of belief in a God(s). The thing is we know how to read more than one source of information, therefore can validate its accuracy - unlike the holy Bibble.

What size girl do guys prefer?

I'm a 6/7/8 depending on what brand and my bf's okay with that but I sort of feel like most guys prefer girls who are a size 3 or 4. Is this true?

What does this dream mean?

Ok so I have this dream every once in a while that this huge ginormormous ship or demon thing is departing to like cause an apocalypse, and like brutally kill me. But when I wake up everything was like a blur... I am still unsure of what was happening but that's what it felt like in the dream. And lol you probably think I'm totally crazy now. But I'm actually pretty normal.. :) sooo yeah I just don't get that dream.

Where do I start with psychology?

I'm interested in Psychology to the point where I'm considering majoring in it, but I've only really scratched the tip of the iceberg. I took a 1-semester course in high school, and it really got me interested, but I don't know how I should continue to self-study. I need some recommendations for resources in learning about psychology, preferably online, but a textbook would be fine too.

How to melt an ice burg?

Icebergs in the North Atlantic present hazards to shipping, causing the length of shipping routes to increase by about 30 percent during the iceberg season. Attempts to destroy icebergs include planting explosives, bombing, torpedoing, shelling, ramming, and painting with lampblack. Suppose that direct melting of the iceberg, by placing heat sources in the ice, is tried. How much heat is required to melt 11 percent of a 1.50�105 metric-ton iceberg? One metric ton is equal to 103 kg. Assume that the iceberg is at 0�C. (Note: To appreciate the magnitude of this energy, compare your answer to the Hiroshima atomic bomb which had an energy equivalent to about 15,000 tons of TNT, representing an energy of about 6.0�1013 J.)

What makes someone "great"?

I've just finished reading The Great Gatsby, and now must write and essay on it. This question is the tip of the iceberg. I'm not just saying Gatsby, but in general. What qualities to people have that you consider "great"? I'm just trying brainstorm some ideas for my essay on The Great Gatsby, thanks.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place?

I'm 16 and I'm trying to get a job for the summer so I can pay for gas in my car because my parents can't pay for it forever. However, my mom is going to college right now and she doesn't have time to do anything around the house so she depends on me to do it and if I get a job then I can't do the stuff around the house. My parents pay for my insurance too so that's sort of like my allowance so i don't get money at all. I'm in a few things at school that continue through the summer so a part time is my only option and it takes up the rest of my time. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!?

Will these degrees work for this field?

I am currently in a Criminal Justice program. Its a Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice-Forensic Investigations. Now the job I want to be able to pursue is a crime lab technician. I know that I need 4 years of either chemistry or biology (depending on which area I want to be in such dna, etc) Will the 4 years of science on top of the criminal justice degree be enough to be accepted for an internship or as a job as a crime lab tech?

Attributes for a high school varsity DE/OLB?

Im going to be a sophomore, im 15. And i work hard for football, but still need to achieve more s always. Height- 6'1" Weight- 178lb(working on it) 40 time- 5.2 (working on it) Bench max- 225lb (sometimes up to 240lb and sometimes down to 215lb, depends if i stay with it) Squat max- 255lb (just started actually consistently doing these) im a strong side OLB/ DE. whats your opinion on my stats? and whats good to you? or what are yours? I do realize stats are NOT everything. depends how you play. with heart.

How do I write a love-letter to my boyfriend?

you dont have to be a poet to write a love letter. My boyfriend and i wrote letters while he was in boot camp and i am by no means a poet lol but i wrote how i felt and missed him and love him, when you write how you really feel it becomes a love letter.

I was admitted to hospital while overseas, I have travel insurance?

im sure you can claim the money back when you get home. I dont think there is a time limit on travel insurance claims

My parents are extremely controlling and overbearing. I’ve been boxed in my whole life?

Just put up with it and be as nice as you can so they won't do something like keep you from going to the college you want to. Teenage years are over-rated anyway, college is where you make your memories and life long friends.

So i might go on a cruise next year and just trying understand what this means ?

So the thing says well the cruise we might on. It says to arrive by 8:00 am when its only departing at noon. why do u got to be there so early ? Do u got to go through a process or something?

Tips for Air Travel, Very Long Flight!?

In 2 days im going on continental airlines for a 15 hour flight from newark airport(ewr) to shanghai pudong airport(pvg). My flight number is co87 and is a boeing 777-200er flatbed. I would like to know what I can do to make 15 hours on the flight pass. More info is that the flight departs at 11:00 right before lunch and arrives at 2:00 in the afternoon in china

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

How to sue a My Uncle N Cousin?

You would take this to small claims court...they WILL take your case, but WILL take a portion of it for their fees. Call an atty. in the phone book who advertises FREE phone advice. I've done this on several occasions with much success. They WILL help you & advise you as to what to do. IF you have proof of your situation with them, you WILL be OK!!!^

I just watched an episode of Animal Planet's Whale Wars where the to zodiac boats were waiting for rescue.?

What happen to the 6 members that were waiting for rescue. Did they all perish? The episode is where one of the Zodiac boats ripped open and they had to wait by an Iceberg for the Bob Barker or Steve Irwin to rescue them. Does anyone know?

How much heat is needed too...?

Icebergs in the North Atlantic present hazards to shipping, causing the length of shipping routes to increase by about 30 percent during the iceberg season. Attempts to destroy icebergs include planting explosives, bombing, torpedoing, shelling, ramming, and painting with lampblack. Suppose that direct melting of the iceberg, by placing heat sources in the ice, is tried. How much heat is required to melt 6 percent of a 2.50�105 metric-ton iceberg? One metric ton is equal to 103 kg. Assume that the iceberg is at 0�C. (Note: Energy equivalent to about 15,000 tons of TNT, representing an energy of about 6.0�1013 J.)

Is this story i made up funny? whats your mark out of 10?

It was pretty funny but, went all over the place like Bo Bo Bo... if you ever heard of it. I'd give it a 6 out of 10. Gave me a good chuckle, now and then.

Should I just end it all??

first thing first,she's not your friend. Why does she always bring up that the fact you are gay. Friends don't do that and the fact you have told her about it and she still does it. I think she is jealous that you have more friends than her and you seemed to be like by more people like than her. You don't need a person who talks down to you and there is nothing wrong with being gay and that's cruel. I would stop talking to her and when she says that she will change. say nothing, Don't answer the phone don't sit with her. This will make her understand that what she is doing hurts you. personally for me i would never speak to her again. sorry for your stress

Tomorrow my flight depart from bangkok time is 1310 so this time is follow Malaysia time or Bangkok time?

+7h00 GMT for Thailand... Just simply minus of an hour from your kampong time... Use you peanut a little...

Is the iceberg the Titanic ran into still around in the Atlantic Ocean?

I've been wondering...It would of been a trip...and I know its a stupid question..So DEAL WITH IT lol

Why are all the lying, evil spirits from god?

You have to look at the context of all these verses that you found. Also, God created everything and He can do what he wants to show or teach people.

What's better black and grey or color tattoos?

i would say color inside the actual outline like petals on a flower. but the outline should be black or gray, to give it structure

More calories when you exercise?

I am 16, 5 ft 3 in tall. I weigh 104 lbs. I normally eat about 1200 calories a day. I used to eat less but I know you shouldn't. I go to the gym about 5 to 6 days a week. I burn 500 - 600 calories in cardio. Because of this, I am suppose to eat more calories right? I want to maintain my same weight, so the goal is to stay fit, not lose weight. What would be a good average amount of calories to eat when I exercise? I know it all depends on the person, but, maybe a guideline? Thank you!

Mormons, a question about the Word of Wisdom?

Concerning the Word of Wisdom, is consuming excessive amounts of meat outside of listed exceptions just as a bad as drinking coffee or alcohol or smoking, or are there varying degrees of "badness" depending on which edict one contradicts?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What does True love feel like?

What you are feeling is the "honeymoon phase" of a relationship. Depending on the relationship (it lasts on average 2 years according to studies) a caring, comforting love replaces it. You know you are truly in love when the honeymoon phase ends and you still cannot imagine life without your significant other; they are your best friend.

Does this make ANY sense?

Religion such as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all impossible. As the Buddhists believe "when you walk along a path your foot feels the foot"- Buddha. This means that what you feel inside is everything and environment is NOTHING. If your consciousness is vibration and time is not a constant it is possible we exist forever but not in the physical sense. Inside is every thing and Environment is nothing than our inside, consciousnesses, souls could live on or at least exist on. I realize this is hard to understand and it is ONLY A THEORY but then so is everything. Try googling quantum physics because it explains alot even though it is literally impossible to understand. If you think you understand quantum physics you don't understand quantum physics- Richard Dawkins. But I think I understand a small fraction of a theory that time is not a constant. Einstein supported this and even developed the theory of time travel. Our human minds as of the 21st century are incapable of understanding really anything about anything. How big and limitless time and the universe is is just not going to be grasped by the minds of anyone for a very long time.

Can a bearded dragon eat spinach and romaine lettuce?

i know not to feed it iceberg lettuce but i've read on a few websites to avoid spinach or iceberg lettuce so i just wanna make sure

Is this girl interested in being more than friends or FWB with me?

(Im in Las Vegas, NV)..Before I start just so you can an idea on the spyche of myself & the girl I am 20 years old & she is 22 years old. (Both mature for our ages). Anyways, this girl has moved in across the street from me with her parents from Washington state. She says she was with a room-mate before moving in with her parents in Vegas for a couple of months. One day she decided to come over & introduce herself because my friend was standing outside my house and saw her having car trouble and laughed at her. So she came over to say Hi. Then he told her that it was my house & she wanted to meet me. Since that day, which was about a week ago we've kinda been hangin out a lot and texting. I go to her house & we swim & tan together & stuff like that. ya know. getting to know one another. So yesterday she came over & we ended up laying in my bed talking. Eventually we started to kiss, touch eachother, & really start the foreplay. Everytime I would try to touch her "down there" she would say no in a teasing manner. After about 2 hours of kissing & touching she had to go home for a bit to help with things around the house. Well, we began talking via text and here's the convo: ME-"I already miss you lol" HER-"Lol you're too nice to me" ME-"I just don't think you've ever met someone like me. I'm nice to everyone..But you are different..special to me" HER-"I shouldn't be though" ME-"I'm sorry, I can't help how I feel. You are a very special person and I really cant believe you dont see it. I think we met for me to make you realize that :D" HER-"It's not that..I just dont think I should mean that much to you.. theres a lot you dont know about me and if i tell you you'll leave" ME-"You dont even know that, Ashley. I'm not a shallow person, I don't and will not ever judge a person ever, it's wrong. I dont know what it is you think will make me run, but I can contest and say you're wrong. I really like you and I am interested in furthering our bond. I think we get along great, I dont want you to feel obligated or forced to tell me anything, because I respect you and your boundaries, However, something I've learned was.. What hurts the most? Regret saying something you wish you hadnt? Or regret saying nothing you wish you had? One thing I'll tell you honestly is: You are a very beautiful person inside and out to ME!.. If I wasnt in anything for the long run I wouldnt have started to bond with you the way we have been." HER-" :-/ " ME-"Whats that face for?" HER-"Okay, well I stopped you earlier for a reason.." ME-"Would you rather come over and talk to me?" HER-"uhm not really cuz ill feel more stupid and embarrassed telling you in person" ME-"Please ashley. please dont feel stupid or embarassed.. you dont even know ME, or what kind of man I am.. come over??" HER-"I cant tell you to your face..I wont be able to, ill freak out.." ME-"okay text me, ill respect what you feel comfortable with. I just hope you'd tell me if you werent into talking to me anymore. :(" HER-"And depending on what you say determines whether I'll come back" HER-"Remeber when you said you're not shallow and dont mind diseases? I hope that's true :(" ME-Thats 100% true Ashley!! I realize how difficult it is to tell someone that, and I couldnt imagine what you are feeling right now. Here's one thing about me you should know: Having a disease doesn't change one thing! You are still and always will be who you are. And thats what Im into. Im into YOU, your soul, and your heart. Your the girl who I see across the street who makes me smile.. The girl who steps outside the front door and lights up the whole block in MY eyes.. Your the exact person I've been waiting to meet. I really want to continue talking to you, bonding with you and seeing you. I want you to be able to tell me anything. Im not walking the other way." HER-"Your telling me you would still sleep with me knowing I have a disease(thanks to my asshole ex) that you can possibly get.. even though im careful...but still.. ME-" So that doesn't change my mind about you Ashley. I wish I could just kiss you right now and tell you that it doesnt matter to me. I accept you for you..and all who you are." HER-"You're too nice :-/" ....END OF CONVO!.. About an hour after the end of the conversation she came over. We sat in the living room & watched a movie, then she wanted to go into my bedroom. We went in, layed on the bed and started to fool around. You know, wrestle a bit, and just being playful but in a sexy manner. Long story short we ended up having sex. Unprotected sex.. Please don't give me ****, it wont bother me at all, I know what I want.. Im NOT naive!.. After that night i kinda to

What happend to iceberg b17b where is it?

In late 2009 and early 2010, it broke up into many hundreds of smaller pieces. Then the pieces melted south of Australia.

Sweet salad dressing recipes?

Well, the dressing i make is oil, vinegar, sugar,french mustard, plus black pepper, so omit the black pepper and add more sugar to make it a sweet dressing.

How do I get more sperm to come out of my penis?

This is a hugely embarrassing question but I've seen men ejaculate an ungodly amount of sperm and I usually do about a palm full or less. I was just wondering how do I get that much sperm to come out of me? Is there a pill or some medicine that makes it happen or does it depend on the person, like everyone different? I'm wondering how this happens more than wanting to do it that's all.

How can I eat healthier when all the healthy foods are so expensive!?

I went grocery shopping yesterday intending on buying some fresh vegetables and everything was just so expensive! It was $4 for a small bag of carrots and that was about the cheapest vegetable they had besides potatoes and iceberg lettuce. Everything else was outrageously expensive. A 2 pound bag of apples was almost $7, bell peppers were $5 for 3 in a pack (and none of these vegetables were organic grown). Lean meats were just as bad. Lean meats are about an average of 60 cents more expensive per pound than regular fat meats. If the government wants to help people get healthier, then why is the healthier food more expsnsive, and hence less likely to be bought by people living on a budget? And please note, me and my brother live on about $120 a month for groceries. It's cheaper to buy the unhealthy ramen noodles, Hamburger Helper, and fatty ground beef than it is to buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

When is the least expensive time to go to Hawaii? Specifically Kauai? Depart DFW or HOU.?

I would look at travel dates around mid-September to early November as well as February through May. June-August is peak travel time and will not be cheap. Check out a href="" rel="nofollow" and sometimes you can save money if you buy airfare, car rental and hotel as a vacation package. That is what I did when I took my wife to Kauai for our honeymoon.

Why am I still angry at my friend for going out with my ex?

Why are you angry at your friend....wasn't he a participant too? Exes are just that and are free to date anyone. Plus you moved out of town. I think pride is the issue.

Does UPS deliver on saturdays?

I ordered a replacement phone from Tmobile on either monday or tuesday, they gave me a tracking number and the number says that this morning at 1AM (saturday) the package departed from Wyoming, Michigan (in SW MI) and I live in SE MI. It's now 6 obviously and the package still hasn't arrived, nor has the tracking information been updated since it left at 1am this morning. Do you think I can still get the package today, as I don't want to wait til Monday? Thank you for your help

Am I wrong for not giving my husband sex?

Absolutely not. If there is no interaction between the two of you, you've tried to fix your relationship on the emotional side of things but not getting anywhere there's absolutely no need for you to continute a physical part of your relationship either. He is absolutely using you. He wants all the benefits of being married but none of the responsibility. I'd suggest counseling or if that doesn't work then a separation would be in order.

Anyone mind giving some advice about this guy I've been seeing?

From experience, if you can't feel comfortable then it's not worth it. Though it might still be too early on to get to the comfort level you might prefer. I say go with it until either one of you decides it's just not the best fit. That's how I've done it so far, and yeah I'm still single but it's because I'm so picky!

One thing I don't understand about Titanic?

While it was April, the North Atlantic is always a cold ocean; and the area where Titanic was is right where the Labrador Current sweeps down from Greenland and Labrador.....and April, when it has gotten a little warmer in the Arctic and icebergs have fallen off Greenland and been picked up by the Labrador Current, is the height of iceberg season. So an iceberg in the shipping lanes in April was a common occurrence; remember there was pack ice all over the area, which was why Californian was stopped for the night.......

Im 12 and hate my life:( ?

Ok so thers a groupnof people at school and they are bullies. They hit me call me retard, fat , ugly, stupid, cow, 2yr old, and thats just the tip of the iceberg. No matter what i do they find a way to bully me. Whether its by exclusion, or saying somthingthat anyone but me would think harmless. They even trash my stuff. Telling people hasnt worked even though i told everyone. Some days i feel suicidal which now is most daays. Plz quick responses as i leave for a vacatuon for a week or two and wont have my ipod or computer. Thx in Advance.

He told me how he feels about me while he was drinking?

I went to a party and to my surprise my crush was there. He was a little guarded at the beginning of the party. But as the night progressed he seemed more open. He saw a guy flirting with me, pulled me away and said i was his girlfriend, told me how badly he wanted to kiss me, and said he couldn't help the way he felt about me. We also danced the whole night and laughed. And he said that he hadn't called me before because he was older than i was, i said i didn't care. And replied that we should hangout. He agreed. And gave me his number. And before he left he gave me a big hug told me it was good seeing me and departed with a kiss on the cheek. I was happy because i've had the biggest crush on him for 2 months. He said he'd remember everything. But you can never be too sure. Should i text him? i really want to take things to the next level. I feel like i could really care about him he's a great person.

Story Idea! Introduction Included, Please Read?

I think you have much potential in your writing style. Keep it going. Don't adjust your writing unless it is found deep within you to do so. You seemingly express yourself well.

Green smoothies need help?

Okay so I can't stand vegetables and I'm really think about making a fruit and veg smoothie. But a wanna know can u taste the vegs? I'm nervous about trying it! An what should I start with? I love bananas apples grapes and sometimes oranges? But what vegetable to I pair any if those with I know that the fruit to veg is 60:40 but I'm lost I heard iceberg lettuce had no real favor which is good for me on taste but it's not full of what most people look for in a veg? Help?? And what does a green smoothie taste like? I really wanna know if the vegetables are strong in them. Thanks!!

My parents are extremely controlling and overbearing. I’ve been boxed in my whole life?

wow! get scholarships and state money and get out of town. on your last day before you leave tell your parents that you will do whatever you want from now on, even when you visit for christmas. drinking and drugs are bad but this is unbearable

I accidentally touched her breast?

There is no harm in bringing it up to show that you are a respectable person, then again, she may not have noticed anyway.

Which books of Clive cussler to buy? are they good.?

I liked Corsair and The Silent Sea. The Navigator was pretty good. My favorite is Spartan Gold which is the first book in his new series. I tend to like his books that feature Kurt Austin, The Oregon, or Sam and Remi Fargo more than the ones that feature Dirk Pitt. I didn't care for "The Wrecker" at all.

Why did the titanic sink?

It was never actually watertight it had holes at the top of it's compartment. The engineer was at fault because he portrayed it as unsinkable, it was the radio officer's fault because he received 3 messages about ice but ignored them, it was the captains fault because although he tried to avoid the iceberg by going slow and to the side, this is what was the fatal moment. If it had crashed head on, then it would have in fact not sunk and the design would have worked. Yes it was a 'blackberg', an ceberg that appears black in the water.

Are Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Brian Wilson, Michael Jackson, Prince and Bruce Springsteen equal?

Yes. Their contributions to humanity in terms of sheer entertainment are all equal. They are all equally great. They sang and wrote as if their life depends on it. Elvis and Michael died early, but we are blessed the others are still alive. The first responsibility of the artist is to stay alive.

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can our relationship work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him (being more wary of who he dates)? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

I have a proposal for a new law. What do you think?

I don't agree with this. You're asking to undo what's been done by animals for ages. Some species do this for a reason. It's not so much that they're abandoning their young. Besides, there is no way this law could be passed. How do you expect this to actually work. You're saying this needs to happen to all animals. What, do you expect people to sit there and watch all the wild animals to make sure they stay with their young until they're ready? I'm sorry if I'm negetive but you asked for an opinion. If the animal could not survive in the wild on it's own, don't you think the mother would have enough instinct to know that? Also, if it were not able to fend for itself then how is it that all of these animals are not extenct?

How much heat is needed to melt...?

Icebergs in the North Atlantic present hazards to shipping, causing the length of shipping routes to increase by about 30 percent during the iceberg season. Attempts to destroy icebergs include planting explosives, bombing, torpedoing, shelling, ramming, and painting with lampblack. Suppose that direct melting of the iceberg, by placing heat sources in the ice, is tried. How much heat is required to melt 6 percent of a 2.50�105 metric-ton iceberg? One metric ton is equal to 103 kg. Assume that the iceberg is at 0�C. (Note: To appreciate the magnitude of this energy, compare your answer to the Hiroshima atomic bomb which had an energy equivalent to about 15,000 tons of TNT, representing an energy of about 6.0�1013 J.)


As a content edit, the lines, "Puddles formed / On the surface of your sheets / Shame escpaed my red eyes" sounds like a person ashamed for peeing in his bed, and was very distracting as I read it making it hard for me to focus on all of your poem.

Do you think Rites and Rituals are performed more for their psychological value than anything else?

I think it depends on the beliefs of the religion itself..If a particular belief system does not support the idea of life after death, then it is probably just for the consolation of those left behind. If the belief system does support a life after death theory than it could be for both the deceased and those in mourning. As far as other rites are concerned I suppose that would on the motives of each individual involved.(e.g. one performing a ritual to feel more spiritually connected to god/ the universe, and another performing it just to feel that they belong somewhere in this world.) I feel in such cases there could also be an emotional aspect to it as well...Filling a void that has been left in ones life.

How large do mini golden retirevers?

I don't trust any breeder who can't spell proportionate. Haha "preportionate". No. Mini Goldens are a scam.

Can I ask her what's going on between us?

Ok sweetie your frienship has grown stronger then before and she prob. Feels as your friendship has become more like a relationship. A friend will visit u at the hospital but a gfriend will pick u up to take u home to of u. About meeting the parents she considers u her bfriend. u can ask her this: "i was just thinking about us for the past weeks, and was wondering what do u think of."our" relationship?" She will answer u fully. I hope ur ready for ur answer. This will not.scare her off but, this will just let her know your paying attention to whats going on between the both of u

How to grow taller? I want to be get at least 10cm?

I saw this ad for penis pills that say you will grow at least 2 inches, so I guess if you take double the dosage you will get your 10 cm.

How can I get over him?

i dont know how u can get over him, but i know how u can get him back!!!! invite him to ur house, when he gets there take his hand bring him to ur room, gebtle grab his crouch!! lol then say '' u want to go out with me'' if he says no then tell him to leave im pretty sure hell say yeah!! wen he says yeah, through him on the bed get on top of him make out with him then move ur hands down his chest down to his pants!! then stop!!!! that will make him think about u!!!!!!

What is our future Fuel??what is the next substitute of fuel for human race?

I gained a little info regarding researches done to bring a new way of transportation in near future for human race..but can we depend on these substitutes ??they are not mentioning any draw backs in using these methods??share me some info if you get.

Why Fedex tracking is updated at their end but not my end?

They told me it departed a location on saturday, June 25, but I have no record of any departure on the 25th on my end of the computer.

College Paper: Why is there such a difference of feelings regarding ancestral slavery depending upon the race?

Some races think they were the only ones to have ever been slaves,they have nothing else to fuss about and blame faults on

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

sounds like tri-deltas; get a lawyer to take your case on contingency and sue, baby, sue (you will sue both the members who bullied you and the national organization for your house, which will have the real money)!

I hate my best mate's daughter?

I have a very good friend who i enjoy socialising with. And in the past few months we have, for whatever reason, started spending alot more time together. The problem is that when she can't get a babysitter we have to organise "family" outings where she and her boyfriend and daughter accompany me, my husband, my son and my baby daughter on days out etc. This would not be a problem were it not for her daughter. I'm quite a tolerable person, but i am also a very disciplined parent. My son is very well behaved, with manners and respect for his elders. He is a very intellegent little boy who enjoys reading and constructive play. Ie, make believe games not just running riot creating havoc and chaos for no other reason than that. He has never raised his hand to another child, or adult for that matter in his entire 7 years. He is very placid and gentle. However, my friend's daughter is about as vile as you can get. And i hate the effect it has on my lovely son. I enjoy spending time with my friend but she really is a bad parent. Maybe i should give a few examples of her daughter's behaviour before you judge me as being a bad person who hates a little girl. My friend's daughter has got it into her head that she is an adult. And yes, it is her mother's fault. She demands adult portions in resteraunts. Adult soft drinks & thats just the tip of the iceberg. She has a very bitchy nature. And will often but into conversations with her opinion & has been known to tell adults to shut up. If she see's another child being told off she will gloat & think it's ok to join in with the parent! She hits my son when he doesn't comply with her wishes of "bad behaviour play" She is far too aware 4 a 7yr old & has been known to say things like "that woman over there is giving me a dirty look" what 7 yr old notices things like that??! She will demand things & when her mum (my friend) gives in, she will change her mind and in a bitchy manner say "i dont want that. im not having that. i didnt want that one!" which makes my blood boil! As time has gone on, i have found myself disciplining her infront of her mum, who sits there quite happy to let me do so! Now, this girl needs some discipline but not from me. My friend does not see whats wrong with her daughter's behaviour, and on occasion will laugh at her more disgusting actions. When her daughter makes rude comments on people's appearance, she says it's funny & will laugh. Now, i realise this makes my friend sound like the sort of person i shouldn't be friends with. But i like to think, besides that, she's a good person. Maybe i am far too quick at trying to see the good. I know that trying to do that with her daughter has got me nowhere. And now i am stuck with a choice. My son is sick and tired of her. And now my other friends, whose children have spent time with this child at my house at social gatherings, have all said they dont want their children around this girl again. Only last night my friends daughter went upto the Dad of the girl she was playing with and told him "to get away" from his own daughter!!! I feel i need to distance my son from her without causing a rift with my friend. Even my family have encountered this child's disgusting manners. A few weeks ago i was at a family meal and i bumped into my friend as they arrived. We were leaving as my baby needed to go to bed so we chatted for a moment then left, leaving the rest of my family to talk. I later found out that my friends daughter had approached my grandmother & said "oi, are you gonna come and talk to my mum or wot?" Not wanting to be rude my grandmother went to talk to my friend, who she does not know, and the child proceeded to dominate the conversation! To put it plainly, my friends daughter is a rude little ***** & i dont want her influence around my son anymore. She is a dominating little brat who thinks she is equal to adults & has the right to berate children her own age when their parents discipline then and taunt them too. Her tone of voice is downright bitchy & i cant bear to hear her speak thats how bad it has got! How do i distance my son from her without alienating my friendship with her mom? Or is that something i will have to chance because my son comes first? Any advice welcome!!!

Can you visit Mexican Border towns without Passport? Read Details Please!?

My mother swears she does it several times a year with nothing but a license and a birth certificate. Perhaps it depends on the town? By the way, this is driving from Texas Across the border. According to everything I read on the net, you need a passport. Have you ever gotten in without one?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Birth Control Advice: please help?

I was playing around with my boyfriend and he ejaculated on me, between the legs. The thing is, I have been taking the birth control pills for about 3 months almost 4, but I am currently on the second day of my period. For those who know about birth control, that means I am taking the light green pills, not the light blue pills (depending on the brand, it may be different colors). Is it possible for me with these variables involved to get pregnant?

Its scary, but when you catch people in their daily routine and ask what's awesome about Heaven, they rarely?

mention God. They talk about departed loved ones, no sickness, no dying, ---all self seeking things, Why is it they rarely mention being in God's loving presence, or seeing God face to face?

What would you do in this situation?

ALWAYS carry your luggage on with you and put it in the overhead. Otherwise, you're begging for loss. God bless everyone!

Will these degrees be enough?

I am currently in a Criminal Justice program. Its a Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice-Forensic Investigations. Now the job I want to be able to pursue is a crime lab technician. I know that I need 4 years of either chemistry or biology (depending on which area I want to be in such dna, etc) Will the 4 years of science on top of the criminal justice degree be enough to be accepted for an internship or as a job as a crime lab tech?

What kind of clothes look good on curvy girls?

I'm looking for clothes that won't make me look fat. i'm not fat, but i'm curvy (size 5-7 in bottoms, small-medium in tops, depending on the store), and i dress kind of tomboy-ish, mixed with punk kind of (i now wear band t-shirts and shorts, and a pair of DC's). What are some clothing styles that would look better on me?

How do gay guys flirt?

Well see i think he wants you but he thinks you are straight so hes going to try to mess around with you and see what yo say because he wants your body in bed . . . that is my though on the situation i say what you should do is keep joking around and see if he tries anything :) have fun with that one

What would you do in this situation?

You're going to have to give more detail. The actual airports do make a difference. As well as the airlines.

What happened here, and how am I doing?

I think you are over thinking a bit. I would get together with her again and then ask her how she sees you. A confident man with a direct way is very sexy.

What are the dimensions of an average iceberg?

There is a huge difference bewteen icebergs in the northern hemisphere and those of the southern hemisphere. In Antarctica you get tabular icebergs which are chunks broken off ice shelves rather than the northern hemisphere bergs which are chunks broken off glaciers. What would be considered a large iceberg in the north Atlantic would be considered small or medium in the Southern Ocean where many bergs are kilometres in length. I sailed past one near Casey Station and it took nearly an hour at 10knots to go from one end to the other and that was nowhere near the largest down there.

We depend on the world to continue to run the same if anything where different it would disrupt the whole.?

there are many things that could really use some changing. But the problem is finding a way to make the changes one at a time without disrupting the whole system. This change has been foretold to come for a very long time through prophets and such. It must come because we can not continue in this manner for much longer. But no one seems to be able to come up with a way to resolve the issues that will result from the "waking". We must do something pretty fast and there will be big problems once we do, but we have no choice. I have seen many attempts at preparing people for this waking, but people are not getting it. There is so much trash around it that it is hard for most of us to grasp what is going on. The preparation attempts have i my eyes been a drastic failure. I have no clue how to resolve the problem and no one that knows about it is talking. You have to know that it is there before you can see it. Then the deeper you look into what you find, the brighter it is to you. Once you see it, it is hard to believe you could not see it before. But you were blinded by the world as you thought it was. it's muddy water but keep dipping into it and you will see. the blindness can be lifted. But in order to see you must first believe. That is the hard part. How to believe in something that you can not see, and that sounds like craziness. But if i am crazy it is for Christ that i am crazy. It is for the love of truth and fairness to all. This world is very hard to continue to live in once your eyes are opened to the truth and you are surrounded by the blind and considered crazy if you open your mind to any of them. i am torn in two. better for me to depart from this world but better for you that i remain for the chance that maybe i can be of assistance in the waking some day hopefully before it is too late. This job seems impossible but can only be accomplished by keeping hold of hope. but i got to tell you my hope is about gone i can not keep crossing the Jordan my time is at hand. for me it is now or never. i have grown old and tired, lost hope and faith is the edge of the cliff. what i need is for someone to lift me back up. i know your out there, listening, hoping, waiting. I am your fellow soldier and am about to fall down on the front line unless i find a shoulder to help me along the dry time. just some spirit given words. signing off

Starting a vegetarian diet? Did I do alright for the day?

That is great, make sure to add another snack between breakfast and lunch like a banana. Your stomach/body will thank you in the long term. Make sure this isn't just a diet but your eating life style to stay healthy.

Are my hips wide? (ten points!)?

Good grief. You are not big at all. Just love your body for goodness sake and forget about your hips!

How long can a bunny stay out on a hot day? (read for details)?

Its summertime and this is probably the best opportunity to take my rabbit outside in the fenced in yard. Its been on average 70-80� lately and I wanted to know if he can stay out a while. Yesterday he was out for fifteen mins before his nose twitched a little faster. I thought it might just mean he was hyper but I didnt wanna take a chance; I read somewhere it meant heat was bothering him. Theres always one shadey spot he loves in the yard and random shade spots on the.grass depending where the sun is.

Do i have a mental illness beyond depression that i will always have to take medication for?

I think depression is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my mental issues, I also have anxiety, episodes of derealization (with paranoia), mood swings (typically from depression to what I think may be mania), cutting, and I hurt my little brother (Idk if that ties in with my mental issues, but I enjoy it)

If you walked through your bedroom door...?

...and found yourself onboard the Titanic right before it hits the iceberg, and when you look behind you, the door is gone. What would your reaction be?

Does my sandwich sound delicious?

breaded honey cured pork with iceberg lettuce and pickled onione and chive cheese with saladcream/mayo

How do I start a religious movement or become well known enough so people know my idealogies ?

Everyone has departed from the teachings of christ . We have sin , and satanic society provides us with more sin , packaged up as salvation from sin . For example we have hard cold machiavellan tyrants , who define amorality as stamina , so much that now strength and moral stamina is defined wrongly as " surviving in the real world " which is in essence demoralization , the opposite of moral stamina . Then we have psychologists forcing us to survive in the real world , then lying and saying it's different then fitting in to the norm . In fact wikipedia goes as far as to say that hitler's machiavellan material normality is " idealogical , an attempted moral utopia " when in essence � � � � � � it was the opposite , a desire for a material norm . Satanic things pretend to be irrelevant to eachother or disagree but do so for the sake of greater satanism . Then we have people being heartless and preceding to do whatever they want and party and watch Hollywood , and they refuse to listen to god's word because they just want to do whatever they want and not be bored . And we have religious institutions either being too liberal and excusing sin , and those who condemn sin also wrongly condemn the person and are cruel to them , and sometimes this is disguised as religious punishment , but in essence it is mind control to follow the fake Protestantism of the post 1720s , ie , Puritanism infiltrated by Catholicism and therefore masonry . A person came to my house and someone answered the door and I sinned and was too lazy to answer it so my brother went and someone was talking about something and my brother lied saying my parents aren't in the house to get him away but I was afraid he might be preaching the word of god but my brother didnt recollect what he said because he was to busy partying and watching telsvision and he said , preaching is illegal in America , and I �thought , it's only illegal because it might annoy people , you dint have to drive them away , hes just using it as justification for his doing whatever he wanted . So how do I stop this by the way I'm only 14 nut I want to make a difference not the irrelevant kind that's eventually unimportant in the long run , those FRIENDSHIP changes disney worries themselves about while people are starving to death and not knowing the word of god , and I won't not do anything just because I'm young and it's nit normal or socially acceptable . But it's my fault for not answering the door and my other sins . Also I do not like how people disguise some liberal viewpoints as conservative and I don't like paganism disguised as Christianity especially don't lime it when the pagans blame the true Jewish Christians of gnosticism which makes anti Gnostics turn to the sin of pagan Christianity and Jewish Christians turn to the sin of Gnosticism . Also I don't like violence or perversy but that's all around via Hollywood so I'm upset . I also don't enjoy how people disguise the ethical norm as the Babylonian and sinful materialistic norm and go against the " Babylonian norm " which is really the ethical norm , or might actually be the Babylonian norm it might just have some ethics in it just so that people who realize it is sinful and go against it also go against the ethics in it . I am sorry if I offended anyone my point is to spread truth . Please help . May the lord be with all and redeem all.�

How old should a dog be when neutered?

I tried googling how old a dog should be when they are okay for neutering, however it still says that it depends on the dog's breed. normally, they suggest before the dog gets sexually mature (i guess). Mine was born on 11th of May this year, do you guys think it's okay to neuter him by next month?

I have a new law proposal. What do you think?

so you're saying that we should make laws for animals? i don't think that they could comprehend something like that... not to say that they are stupid, but most animals wont be able to understand that they have those sorts of rules. its in their nature to leave their young sometimes and it would take many many years to change something like that

What is the best 24 hour passport service?

I need to leave the united states soon and I have a newborn. I need to make him a passport as soon as possible. There are so many companies out there. What company is the best one that I can depend on?

Alcoholic mentally/ emotionally abusive husband/father has made life a living nightmare for over 17 years? ?

Everyday it's something different, but yet it's all the same. Always having to worry, always having intense anxiety, depression, fear, and anger that life has to always be this way, that it's impossible to see it ever getting better. I'm 17, and my father has just consistently, constantly gotten worse. He's meaner, more violent, extremely hateful, and ive honestly been convinced that he is the devil living on earth. I never had a childhood, what little bit of childish joy I had was torn apart everytime he'd have a psychotic blowout of screaming at the top of his alcoholic, hateful lungs. I've always been responsible, and extremely careful in everything I do. He's always been irresponsible and impulsive, and would never, ever allow someone to not let him get his way. He only thinks about himself, and doesn't care about anyone else, at all. If I say I have a sore throat or something, he'll only care about himself, and say, yeah, I've had a scratchy throat all day, and go on and on and on. Honestly, that's just the tip of the iceberg, but to make it a little shorter, ive learned he's very much a narcissist, and he's got a heavy dose of hubris in him, thinking he can do no wrong. I've never, ever gotten an apology out of him, neither has my mother, (who is my best friend, and I am super close with, thank God, or I would have gone out of my mind a long time ago.) he just blames everything, EVERYTHING on us. No matter how irrelevant it is, he thinks it's our fault, all the time. And puts everything to extremes, telling is to get out of our own house, and saying anything he can to hurt us. Accusing, threatening, breaking down any little piece of hope we have, and I don't know what to do anymore. We don't even have a car, so we can't get away. He sold the parts for the car for booze. I don't see any way out of it. We have no money to. I guess I

Changing trains times is 9.53 arrive my next train departs at 10.01, how to catch it in time?

I've never had to do a change before and I arrive at York at 9.53 and my next train goes at 10.01, how do I make sure I catch it? I don't mind jogging I'm physically fit. I'm so worried I might miss it is 8 mins enough time?

Any way of changing goalie pad colour stripe?

I recently ordered some vaughan velocity 4 pads with iceberg design. If I end up on a team and the colours are totally different is there anyway to change the colour of the iceberg stripe?

What is the cheapest airline to fly from Hawaii to Ukraine?

Departing from Honolulu airport, to Kiev. Don't care how long or how many layovers, I'm looking for price efficiency. Help? Prefferably someone who's done it?

How can I find out about iceberg b17b floating tword australia?

I did a little online research, and didn't find much other than scientists were surprised that it drifted outside the West Wind drift and is likely headed toward Australia. Whether or not it will melt before it reaches Australia is unknown, and no Icebergs have ever been sighted off the coast of Australia before

Prove my Diet/Exercise Plan Wrong?

Big people can lose more. Three hundred pounders can lose 40pounds in a month. Someone who is 180-200 can't.

My toothpaste burns my tongue?

it depends on the toothpaste. the really strong minty ones tend to hurt my tongue more. if the toothpaste is really minty is it SUPPOSED to burn your tongue or something. im using crest white 3d right now and it hurts like hell when i brush.

When will my package from amazon arrive?

It departed from WV early this morning, which isn't far from here. It's about a 5 hour drive. My question is, will the truck stop at many different towns on it's way here, or will come directly here to make my delivery and others in this area?

English question natvie speakers help?

There's no verb.or subject. It's a fragment of quantification only. He demonstrated how to do it depends on circumstances encountered at the time of application. How to do it depends on circumstances which may be beyond our control. Being highly sensitive to many variables, how to do it depends on circumstances

Kicked over a hornets nest? Am I crazy?

Since even before 9/11 I've wanted to see BinLaden dead. But now that he is, something just doesn't seem right. I can't help but think killing him was only the tip of an iceberg of destruction to come. All of the celebrating is like a calm before the storm to me. Just think, now there are some 5 million AlQaeda and Taliban allies with no real leadership and possibly seeking revenge on any target of opportunity. And who's to stop them from wreaking havoc? There is no one holding the leash anymore really. We are nowhere near done I fear. This is just the beginning of a blood bath to come, just wait.

Would I be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

I am 25, 5'4, 128 and 34dd. I know it depends on my insurance, but does this sound like acceptable measurements to be a good candidate for the surgery to be covered?

Sleepless Night. What to do to feel more 'alive'?

I was up all night (except for the last two hours before departing to work). Now I'm in my office, and I feel dizzy and tired. I got my self a XL cup of coffee. What else can I do to wake up or just to feel more active?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cheap plane ticket to Amsterdam in July?

Since you want to fly during the summer months and you are buying this late, I doubt there will be anything much cheaper. You can check out a href="" rel="nofollow" and also have a travel agent quote you a price.

Creationists: Isn’t it time to take the false science of evolution out of our schools?

Macro evolution is observable in bacteria so it is fact that species can evolve over time. Good luck trying to disprove evolution with your unjustified God claims, it has been attempted before, but it failed.

Does this idea for a book sound okay?

The story sounds interesting, although a bit underdeveloped. You should try to give the main character a deeper character than just being "pretty" and "smart", which is the generic female heroine.

I was treated like crap by my sorority, is there any way I can get justice?

Yes. You should. Get your daily newspaper to write a story about your experience, THAT Sorority, and the way you were treated. Expose Them....and warn the others from joining.

Does anyone else have extremely controlling and overbearing parents?

My parents are kind of like this with me, but in different ways. They won't let me wear shorts above a 3 inch inseam, I can't wear string bikinis, and I can't wear shirts below the top of my boobs. As you can see, dress code is an issue for me. They don't let me stay out past 11, and I'll be 17 in 4 months!!! I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 15, though I'm still with him now and I love him so much.... Anyways, my suggestion to you is go on with your plans of living far, far, away. They'll regret it one day and will see the error of their ways.

Getting wrist tatoo, help?

well it does depends on your pain tolerance. if you cant take pain it will hurt more then if you can. and there is one spot on the wrist that hurts like a *****. i say bring music to sooth you as you get it and relax.

What are Princess cruises like for teens?! :D 10 pts (Repost)?

I have been on 12 Princess cruises and during the summer months I would bet that they will have over 50 teens on board, but probably a lot more. July is peak time for families on Princess cruises. As far as Brits, because you are going to the mediterranean, most teens will be British with a few Americans and other nationalities also. This is such a cool cruise. You will see much of what you have only seen in books, but now you will be right there. Enjoy!

What should I do with a girl who doesn't respond? for girls?

you ****** up, asking her out via email? what were you thinking!? sorry can't help you, you're a prick for doing that.

How often should i water my tomatoe seeds?

I live in oklahoma and we're not getting very much rain l8ly. i watered my watermelon seeds every day and they popped up really fast. My iceberg lettuce plants said 10-14 days for germination, it only took three days for most of them to pop up. ive had my tomato seeds and my pumpkin seeds planted for four days now and i know they will take a little longer to germinate, however i would like to know how long it will take for them to start showing (both the tomatos and pumpkin seeds) any help will be appreciated. (i may have drowned all of my seeds by now. ive watered them every day for the last 4 days and im not sure if thats good.)

Hotel transfers help needed?

i am going to turkey to see some family and will be using a transfers company for the first time-but i am not sure i have filled in the information for my pick up correctly and am hoping somebody more experienced can help me.i am flying back to the uk at 1.20am on the 10th of july and on the booking form i have put for Departure date in destination 9th of july as this is the day i need to head back to the airport.but do they need the day my flight departs or the day i want to go back to the airpot?thanks

What are the best salad greens?

I am in desperate need to lose weight, health concerns. I need to start eating salads, have tried before but can't get past the crunch or iceberg. What is a good salad green?

Starting my vegetables?

Not rocket science and listen to Mom. Sprout those seeds so you have seedlings to plant on June 1st. That Freeze zone is important and for gardens that can't start until June seedlings make the most of a short grow season. Prepare your garden bed and get those seedlings going and stick the other questions into a search engine. Learn to grow before thinking about rotating crops!

I've heard this joke for 8 years and I still don't get it?

It's a gullible joke with the purpose of trying to get you to say RADIO RADIO slowly and loudly. It's not a joke, it has no meaning or sense that is why it is funny. If you no it makes no sense it is funny to tell this joke to another person who didn't figure it out and therefore it is thought hilarious. Get it?

Does this guy still like me?

he could still like you, what i suggest you do is wait for the right time to talk to him. if he really is interested in you then you will have to make your feelings known to him and ask him what his feelings towards you are. there is no other way to know.

Why are some guys so sexist?

I was just wondering why guys think they're so much better than women? I read this one paragraph about how women are not as intelligent, strong, etc. They also think that women that object to them are "jealous" of the superior male. I have a few valid points to make. Yes, SOME men are stronger than women but women CAN be stronger then man. Sure, Man can have more intelligence if they were taught more, but then again, so can women. It depends on what schools you go to and how your brain develops. I also heard that men believe, women can not handle pain. Referring to what I believe they were talking about was *physical* pain. Women have to cope with the pain of child birth which is a very painful process. Coping with physical pain does NOT make men superior. What about *emotional* pain? Not a lot of men can deal with their emotions or "feelings". Yes, throughout history, Men have been known for the best inventions and such but just because they're good at things does not make them the superior species. If men are so much better than women, why are women on the planet? Do any men come to realize with out women their would be no race? Same for women. We ARE equals. Whether you think of it or not, men could not survive with out women and vice versa. Just because men CAN be stronger or more intelligent does not make them better. Same for women. Why do men and women have to be sexist? I can't stand it when men think women are not their equals. I have talked to a few of my guy friends who agree that women are their equals because without each other the human race would die. What about that theory of girls maturing faster then boys? I don't think that theory is true either. Maturity is on how your raised. But if theory is based on the body maturing then still no. Boys and girls develop around the same time and at their own pace.

After we Conservatives vote against extending the Debt Ceiling, crash the Economy, will it be over for Obama?

We will deserve what we get because the liberals didn't vote last November. Its not like we didn't see this coming. They told us what they were going to do once you got past their collective lying about creating jobs. Karl Rove is on record saying that he wants Amerika to be the way it was before the FDR administration and we're seeing that with those crazy tea bagger demands. Its going to be an interesting 15 years

My friend is taking muscle enhancement pills can they be addictive?

My friend keeps bying muscle pills and dietary supplement pills and they are all basicly the same thing but like 3 to 6 different kinds and he is buying them every month sometimes 2 times a month from the internet and depending on which ones he buys they cost any where from 50 to 200 dollars totaling after buying them all together when he buys them I'm affraid he is going to get addicted can you get addicted from these pills and he also just bought 3 differnt kinds a week ago and now they are gone so now he wants more please help and keep in mind this is 30 pills in one bottle for a month supply 60 in one for a month supply and 90 in another for a month supply so that's totaling 180 pills he was supposed to take in a month and took them in 5 days

Maplestory, information on todays sp reset?

well basicly all of us are gonna get sp reset scrolls today,depends when u log in.anyways u can keep them in ur inventory for 3 days until they expire, so u can use them whenever.Im a level 69 brawler so i need one more level to get my 3rd job.i was wondering if when i level up and i use my sp reset scroll if i can use my pirate skill points(1st job) on my 3rd job since i don't use most of my pirate skills and i can max out all my 3rd job skills.soooooooo yea can i? lol

Is being a loner a bad life choice?

I have been fortunate to have had greatest friends anyone can ask for and being surrounded by people who care about me all my life,same goes for my love life too,but for some reason i always had this urge to not to get too close to anyone or emotionally depend on someone .I believe in helping people when in need and just moving on with my life not craving for any attachments.

Departing neighbours leaving boundary issue problem? Any ideas?

I moved to my home about 8 yrs ago. Within 2 wks neighbours had built a wooden extension to their own property, only telling me after the event that they had encroached two inches onto my property with the concrete foundations. Didn't fuss at the time but they put in inadequate guttering and it has flooded my side path regularly. Didn't want to fall out with neighbours over trivialities but property is now sold STC and I can't get them to confirm if they let the new buyers know about the encroachment and they are not prepared to do anything about the guttering as he now claims the path always flooded. I never had the chance to know that as their build went up when I had only just moved in so I can't confirm/deny their assertion. Their move is full of the usual drama, marriage break up and family troubles which I'm sorry for but it is none of my business. What's my best course of action? The estate agent's are useless and the current owner told me this evening that he had sent in the paperwork saying that there were no outstanding issues which leaves me in a quandary. Should I be consulting a solicitor? I don't really want to start things with a new owner on a bad footing or leave it with the departing owner with bad feeling but I have put up with this water problem for years and rather resent the way it's been handled. Suggestions anyone

I like her but I don't know if she likes me.?

It all starts around wintertime. My eighth grade year, hers too. The place was a camp that our whole grade travels to before school year is over and kids depart for high school. I never really thought about how love worked or about how hormones related to growing up. But talk about changing from kid to boy, which is not a big change but believe me... This was dramatic. I mean I had always heard of the changes that are supposed to happen in our body as we grow in the middle school experience... But not once had I seen a change in my personal self. Hayley, this goddess of my middle school, this gear of life, this key happiness was sitting with a bunch of friends and laughing. Not once. Not once had I heard a laugh so heartwarming and blissful. I had never, and I mean never heard of this type of laugh. It made me feel like I existed. Simple enough right, well not really. No words nor emotions that come out of my mouth can say what she has, ****.. there may not be enough letters to describe this one characteristic of her in the text box. Now when I say I believe that some people were meant to be together, I mean it because when I heard this laugh. It brought me a smile. A smile no man could take down, even the strongest man, most powerful bullet, or most powerful spirit would kill me before they grab that smile off of my face. I heard the smile, and as a deer eating grass looks up because of a disturbance, my head jerked up and looked straight at this girl being talked upon by her group. At the moment, things went blank like in saving private Ryan when the bomb goes off and he can't hear anything. Only my case was worse, not only was sound lose, but I could not move or speak. Time stopped in my life. My brain was working hard, working hard and long to try and open a gap in my heart. A gap where her name would fit, were her laugh would fit, her face, here eyes, her PERSONALITY would fit. It took me a couple seconds before I realized that I had just reconstructed my whole heart (metaphorically) for this one girl. She looked over and looked away quickly. At that point, I was impressed with myself. I had thought, wow girls are looking at me for a change. I then realized that I was not as ugly as I thought. Ya know, going through middle school, and being so self conscious about how attractive you might be... Well in all I felt too good. So from then on, my goal was to marry this woman or as in my mind, "this drug". I hate Lady Gaga but if I were with Hayley, her love would be my drug. A couple minutes passed and my brain, being confident enough to talk to this goddess. And what do ya know? She talked back, now talk about young love! Well, I am. I ended up "dating" Hayley for about two weeks and then, the texts and phone calls became shorter and the rumors started getting violent. Not physically but emotionally. People were saying that this guy named Adam liked her. ME, being a pathetic loser. ADAM, being a popular fascist jerk. They dated. I don't exactly remember how Hayley brought the break-up about, but it was harsh. In middle school too. I forgive Hayley on all levels, even Wiz Khalifa's levels. No matter what I say about her choice to "dump" me and "gain" Adam, it was a choice that girls like to do. They test out all types of guys before they settle at a type they like. Anyway, the way our socialistic schools are set up, the zoning is way off. She went to a different high school than me. Now I had not forgiven her of the Adam thing yet, so I was a ignorant of the fact she was existing. But come the wintery season of Football, come our schools rival game. Her High School vs My High School! And guess who was there. Hayley! Yes, she was there and I talked to her. Only to find out I was ignoring the fact I was shy. I was not shy until Freshman year. I had been hiding since middle school because of her. I lost touch with her and it fell down again. But I had not forgotten. Come this year, over summer. I called her and said stuff I should have probably not said. We met and talked for the rest of the day, till about midnight. I went home in silence, disbelief, awe, shock, and happiness.From then on, I have been texting her. I am always sweet to her to make sure she is doing fine. Recently some guy took advantage of how nice she was and almost took gods best gift from her. She said he was an ***, and it broke my heart. Why in gods name would anybody be so cruel to someone so caring and loving? I love her, but I don't know if she likes me or loves me. I don't care if she doesn't marries me, I just want her to be safe but most of all happy. Because she has given me a lifetime of happiness.