Thursday, July 14, 2011

I like her but I don't know if she likes me.?

It all starts around wintertime. My eighth grade year, hers too. The place was a camp that our whole grade travels to before school year is over and kids depart for high school. I never really thought about how love worked or about how hormones related to growing up. But talk about changing from kid to boy, which is not a big change but believe me... This was dramatic. I mean I had always heard of the changes that are supposed to happen in our body as we grow in the middle school experience... But not once had I seen a change in my personal self. Hayley, this goddess of my middle school, this gear of life, this key happiness was sitting with a bunch of friends and laughing. Not once. Not once had I heard a laugh so heartwarming and blissful. I had never, and I mean never heard of this type of laugh. It made me feel like I existed. Simple enough right, well not really. No words nor emotions that come out of my mouth can say what she has, ****.. there may not be enough letters to describe this one characteristic of her in the text box. Now when I say I believe that some people were meant to be together, I mean it because when I heard this laugh. It brought me a smile. A smile no man could take down, even the strongest man, most powerful bullet, or most powerful spirit would kill me before they grab that smile off of my face. I heard the smile, and as a deer eating grass looks up because of a disturbance, my head jerked up and looked straight at this girl being talked upon by her group. At the moment, things went blank like in saving private Ryan when the bomb goes off and he can't hear anything. Only my case was worse, not only was sound lose, but I could not move or speak. Time stopped in my life. My brain was working hard, working hard and long to try and open a gap in my heart. A gap where her name would fit, were her laugh would fit, her face, here eyes, her PERSONALITY would fit. It took me a couple seconds before I realized that I had just reconstructed my whole heart (metaphorically) for this one girl. She looked over and looked away quickly. At that point, I was impressed with myself. I had thought, wow girls are looking at me for a change. I then realized that I was not as ugly as I thought. Ya know, going through middle school, and being so self conscious about how attractive you might be... Well in all I felt too good. So from then on, my goal was to marry this woman or as in my mind, "this drug". I hate Lady Gaga but if I were with Hayley, her love would be my drug. A couple minutes passed and my brain, being confident enough to talk to this goddess. And what do ya know? She talked back, now talk about young love! Well, I am. I ended up "dating" Hayley for about two weeks and then, the texts and phone calls became shorter and the rumors started getting violent. Not physically but emotionally. People were saying that this guy named Adam liked her. ME, being a pathetic loser. ADAM, being a popular fascist jerk. They dated. I don't exactly remember how Hayley brought the break-up about, but it was harsh. In middle school too. I forgive Hayley on all levels, even Wiz Khalifa's levels. No matter what I say about her choice to "dump" me and "gain" Adam, it was a choice that girls like to do. They test out all types of guys before they settle at a type they like. Anyway, the way our socialistic schools are set up, the zoning is way off. She went to a different high school than me. Now I had not forgiven her of the Adam thing yet, so I was a ignorant of the fact she was existing. But come the wintery season of Football, come our schools rival game. Her High School vs My High School! And guess who was there. Hayley! Yes, she was there and I talked to her. Only to find out I was ignoring the fact I was shy. I was not shy until Freshman year. I had been hiding since middle school because of her. I lost touch with her and it fell down again. But I had not forgotten. Come this year, over summer. I called her and said stuff I should have probably not said. We met and talked for the rest of the day, till about midnight. I went home in silence, disbelief, awe, shock, and happiness.From then on, I have been texting her. I am always sweet to her to make sure she is doing fine. Recently some guy took advantage of how nice she was and almost took gods best gift from her. She said he was an ***, and it broke my heart. Why in gods name would anybody be so cruel to someone so caring and loving? I love her, but I don't know if she likes me or loves me. I don't care if she doesn't marries me, I just want her to be safe but most of all happy. Because she has given me a lifetime of happiness.

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