Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Date dilemma....?

So I went a date last wednesday...met this guy off an internet dating site.....we exchanged numbers and he started calling me before we went on our date, he would text me or call a couple times a day....he sounded real cool..and im picky with the just giving out my i felt comfortable giving it to him...we hit it off with good conversation. When met up...we had talked for hours....then we were walking to the car...we held I got a feeling that he was feeling me...then we gave each two hugs before we both departed ways ..i told him to call when he got home..he did..i asked him when I was going to see hiim again, he asked the same, we agreed on this weekend.. I knew he had a lot of work to do the next day..So i took the inititive to text him the next morning, so I waited all day thursday to hear back from him., i didnt which is a lil weird cuz he always responds...I didnt hear from him until friday morning, he sd he was at work until 11pm and had to work all day friday, and I had my phone off until later that day to respond to him...and when I did I was like oh its kool, he asked what was doing I just responded and sd that I was at my cousins....and asked him what his plans were, and he didnt respond...this is friday now its saturday, i didnt hear from him alll day!!! I didnt understand...but I sd to myself he will call eventually....NOTHING.. So this morning i woke up and decide to text him....he sd that he was thinking of me...i thought to myslef well didnt you text or call me right??? I asked what he did lastnite, he said he basically rested cuz he worked alot the last two days....I sd to him i will be home and to hit me up later if you want to...he said ok. I havent heard from him!!! So my question is do I pursue for another date or is he playing games or am I reading into this way tooo much??

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