Friday, July 15, 2011

Alcoholic mentally/ emotionally abusive husband/father has made life a living nightmare for over 17 years? ?

Everyday it's something different, but yet it's all the same. Always having to worry, always having intense anxiety, depression, fear, and anger that life has to always be this way, that it's impossible to see it ever getting better. I'm 17, and my father has just consistently, constantly gotten worse. He's meaner, more violent, extremely hateful, and ive honestly been convinced that he is the devil living on earth. I never had a childhood, what little bit of childish joy I had was torn apart everytime he'd have a psychotic blowout of screaming at the top of his alcoholic, hateful lungs. I've always been responsible, and extremely careful in everything I do. He's always been irresponsible and impulsive, and would never, ever allow someone to not let him get his way. He only thinks about himself, and doesn't care about anyone else, at all. If I say I have a sore throat or something, he'll only care about himself, and say, yeah, I've had a scratchy throat all day, and go on and on and on. Honestly, that's just the tip of the iceberg, but to make it a little shorter, ive learned he's very much a narcissist, and he's got a heavy dose of hubris in him, thinking he can do no wrong. I've never, ever gotten an apology out of him, neither has my mother, (who is my best friend, and I am super close with, thank God, or I would have gone out of my mind a long time ago.) he just blames everything, EVERYTHING on us. No matter how irrelevant it is, he thinks it's our fault, all the time. And puts everything to extremes, telling is to get out of our own house, and saying anything he can to hurt us. Accusing, threatening, breaking down any little piece of hope we have, and I don't know what to do anymore. We don't even have a car, so we can't get away. He sold the parts for the car for booze. I don't see any way out of it. We have no money to. I guess I

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