Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why are some guys so sexist?

I was just wondering why guys think they're so much better than women? I read this one paragraph about how women are not as intelligent, strong, etc. They also think that women that object to them are "jealous" of the superior male. I have a few valid points to make. Yes, SOME men are stronger than women but women CAN be stronger then man. Sure, Man can have more intelligence if they were taught more, but then again, so can women. It depends on what schools you go to and how your brain develops. I also heard that men believe, women can not handle pain. Referring to what I believe they were talking about was *physical* pain. Women have to cope with the pain of child birth which is a very painful process. Coping with physical pain does NOT make men superior. What about *emotional* pain? Not a lot of men can deal with their emotions or "feelings". Yes, throughout history, Men have been known for the best inventions and such but just because they're good at things does not make them the superior species. If men are so much better than women, why are women on the planet? Do any men come to realize with out women their would be no race? Same for women. We ARE equals. Whether you think of it or not, men could not survive with out women and vice versa. Just because men CAN be stronger or more intelligent does not make them better. Same for women. Why do men and women have to be sexist? I can't stand it when men think women are not their equals. I have talked to a few of my guy friends who agree that women are their equals because without each other the human race would die. What about that theory of girls maturing faster then boys? I don't think that theory is true either. Maturity is on how your raised. But if theory is based on the body maturing then still no. Boys and girls develop around the same time and at their own pace.

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