Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What does this weird dream about?

so i had this dream that went on forever. it started out with me at someone's party, in a house i've never been in, with people i don't know. then i met this beautiful girl and started talking to her, and she said that i'd need her help soon or something. so i got her number and went outside for some reason and ended up walking around in a strange town i just cant describe because it was so weird looking. i get lost and try to find my way back, but it seems as though the area keeps changing and i can't go back to one place. i tried to call the girl i just met but when i pull up her number on my phone it deletes itself. so i keep trying to find her and run into some thugs who chase me down. i run in a fountain to hide, and i look down and see the water turned into knee-deep embers and my legs catch fire. i try to put them out but my whole body catches fire. then suddenly i jumped and started flying, putting out the flames. i flew for what seemed like hours to a new city in the daytime and my flight powers stop working, as i fall to what seems like my death. i survive the fall and find my car sitting in an empty parking lot. so i departed for home, and along the highway, i run into a police barricade. a complete ogre of a cop that made michael clark duncan look like a puppy dog comes out and threatens to kill me if i have weed in the car. i didnt. but he said he had weed planted at my house and if they get to it before i get rid of it, i'll be burned alive. i dont remember anything else, just a frantic race home, and some good guy cop trying to protect me from the arriving cops at the bad one's command. what is the meaning of this nonsense?

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